How It Works

Member Journey
Step 1 - Sign Up
Select one of our affordable wellness plans, complete your registration and purchase a wellness plan on our website. We offer coaching and content-only programs of 3 month and 6 months duration. If you purchase a content-only plan, only step 4 of this member journey will be applicable to you.
Step 2 - Create your Profile
Log into My SattvaLife on our website and complete your profile. Upload a few full body pictures of yourself, add additional information not included in the registration step.
Step 3 - Complete Health Assessment Form
Log into My SattvaLife on our website and complete our comprehensive online Health Assessment Form. This will help us understand your current health condition, diet, lifestyle and your goals. This task may take about 45 minutes.
Step 4 - Initial Assessment Consultation
Schedule an initial assessment call with our health coaches using the Appointments tab in My SattvaLife . Based on what we learn about you from the call, the completed assessment form, and your health goals, we will curate a custom wellness plan for you using various techniques from Yoga, Ayurveda and Sound Therapy. You can view it in the Member Wellness Plan tab in My SattvaLife on our website.
Step 5 - Begin your Wellness Journey
You will be provided access to a content library that is customized for you. You can begin your healing journey using the content and the wellness plan designed for you. Our content library consists of the following:
Āsana & exercises (yoga postures and movements) - 25+ videos
Prānāyama (yogic breathing techniques) - 5+ videos
Meditations (Dhyāna) - 25+ audio recordings
Recipes - 50+ vegetarian and vegan recipes
Music tracks - 75+ audio tracks
Articles - 20+ write-ups on various aspects of health addressed by SattvaLife.
You will receive email alerts throughout the program to motivate you and remind you to complete the tasks assigned to you in the wellness plan.
Step 6 - Attend Coaching Sessions
Our wellness coaches will follow up with you through weekly 30-minute tele coaching sessions. The number of coaching sessions will be determined by the plan you enrolled for. You can attend the coaching sessions on your computer, mobile phone, or a tablet.
Step 7 - Keep In Touch
Throughout the coaching program you will have the option to leave messages for your wellness coach or ask them a question in between coaching sessions, in My Sattva Life.
Step 8 - Evaluate Progress
Either towards the end of the program, or at specific intervals during the program, you will complete our Health Assessment Form to evaluate your progress. You can see your progress in My Sattva Life on our website and in our Apps (Not available now).
For Employers
Step 1 - Sign Up
Sign Up for a SattvaLife corporate wellness program. Our sales staff will send you a contract that covers our programs for a pre-determined number of employees and duration.
Step 2 - Employee Roster
Send us a roster of your employees who wish to sign up for a SattvaLife program.
Step 3 - Employee/Member Registration
We will send your employees a custom link to register for a SattvaLife program of their choice.
Step 4 - Employee/Member Journey
Thereafter, they will follow the same Member Journey as described above.
Step 5 - Performance Reports
If you require it, we will send you quarterly updates on the progress of your employees where applicable.